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Old December 21st, 2007, 03:43   #40
made Man
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Dont want to be a party pooper, but dont majority of AS guns come from the same importer?

They should also be careful, CBSA in BC had their jelly stolen from their collective dough nut.

Airsoft Kelowna had to shut down their AS sales due to ALL retailers in BC being raided and stock seized, and that including guns people brought in for repairs!
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you; and that little fucking son of a bitch sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.

I am worth $2,106,266.00 on

<axel026> i need help please
<^cell^> do you have an appointment?
<axel026> im french
<^cell^> i see... thats a terrible disorder
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