coiling wire and mosfets
I'll probably use up a bunch more (I've got spools of it as well) wiring it up as a coil as described. Would shrink wrapping the two wires together before coiling it help it keep it's "springy-ness"? or would it just make it too bulky? (for rear wired M4 aegs)
Bit off topic...but, any thoughts on the current MOSFET rigs? I've been looking at Gandalf's SW-AB-LONG setup from He's working on a 3-round burst varient now and it's cool. Safe/semi/3rnd/FA. Semi works normally, but when you go to the normal FA position and do normal "single shot pulls" you get a 3rnd burst, then if you hold down the trigger for a little while longer it cuts into a normal full auto burst. Pretty neat.
If I go the mosfet route, I may put off cutting everything over to deans connectors until I get a couple of those units. I'll source some different wire at the same time and do a complete make over all at once.
Jeez...wish it was spring...then I'd be playing instead of endlessly tearing into my gear and messing around with stuff.