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Old October 31st, 2007, 08:42   #136
Alfa_1's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Denmark
@ nro_delta<< The issued one, or just one in M/84?, the issued one, vest M/05 CQC has fixt pockets just so you know, and it cost about 345.- EUR / 476.-CAD whit out shipping , and it isn’t that good if you ask me. If I was you, I would go for a combat kit vest or a NFM vest like the BEAR II. the BEAR II takes combat kit pockets so that is not a problem. All the pockets on my vest is from combat kit and I can only recommend combat kit, it is real quality, a buddy of mine have the “vest mas” and it is real nice… but let me know if I can help whit something...

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