Greylocks well done great effort from your side I hope it bear's the friuts of your labour.
mschilling In some way you are right , about the flame thrower there was something developed about 5yrs ago which did burn the hijacker not that bad , what happened was it caused a larger ball of gas around the car , think of a plastic bag that you put a controled amount of gas into ,a if it goes off with a bang and a big explotion, burning the hair and eyebrows and hurt pride. You may think it is drastic , but here are the facts and how the hijackers work here , they hit you at the robots , they do not ask you to get out your car , they just shoot you and rape your girlfriend or wife in 90% ,also our demographic in SA and in africa that a large part of the africans group have HIV/aids and the problem a high % of the hijackers have aids , the reason they rape you is to degrade you and can you think what it is like to have a sword over head this is 2 fold the rape and then struggeling with the fact that you may be HIV+, You can go to the slums here and hire a AK47 , $20 life is cheap . Anyway back to car flame thrower that is banned. now for 5yrs.
I could go on expanling what happens here in South AFrica and africa, and if you stayed here you would understand Y you resort to drastic meassure.
I think we have hijacked

enough of this thread . If any of you would like any info on South Africa feel free to PM ,I have no problem in telling you anything .
mschilling thanks
So back to the subject at hand Aftermath AK and some upgrade and pictures.