Our teams plays every weekend so having a gun that is not reliable is not an option in my opinion. So if the only thing I got out of buying a PTW was reliability then that would be enough for me to justify the cost, the performance is extra.
I also have an ICS M4, and although its a good gun and its been to upgraded a fair bit while still keeping reliablity in mind, its no PTW. It may shoot harder on the Chrono then say a PTW M4 CQBR Max with the blue cylinder but that PTW still manages to have more range, and accuracy not to mention trouble free playing.
There will always be people that won't agree with us paying that much money for a "toy" which is fine, to each his own but I felt that its a justifiable cost that I use every weekend and will continue to do so for a long time.
South Island Rangers Airsoft Club- President
Victoria Area Age Verifier
Last edited by jameskersten; September 20th, 2007 at 21:42..