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Old August 27th, 2007, 15:30   #13
Join Date: Jun 2007
Ok great so far this is my semi-final decision:

-Asked jugglez for the mechbox thing if he could do it or not (takes care of springs M120, bushings, anything like that)

-System Tightbore Barrel

- If Jugglez cant do it ill get the Systema pack which will hurt a lot wallet wise ($310 =()

-Intellect 9.6V 4200mAh - Large Type ( Ni-MH ) (for faster ROF)
(about $120 at

-TLP All In One Charger (model 4000C) (to charge the 9.6v batteries)
(about $110 at

Approximate total costs
Total costs of upgrades with Jugglez
Total costs of upgrades with systema pack

so about 1 grand for my gun. Im starting to think i should just get the system PTW for christs sake lol. Can anybody think of a cheaper solution or something! i want an AEG so badly!

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