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Old August 10th, 2007, 21:08   #16
Cassius's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Montreal, Canada
the guy in tan is Elliot Salem.

the mask is a ballistic mask:

We used alot of different gear on these guys as what you've seen is not their only gear they will have through the game.

As when it comes to gears and guns for Rios and Salem well we did base ourself on alot of airsoft guns and loadouts we've seen.

It's no surprise to see airsoft guns on people's desks around the studio.

For those interested: the game is in quite a good shape and we are advancing quite alot and getting ready for the release comes this November.

As soon as we get open spots for Focus Playing, I'll make sure to let you guys know for those of you in Montreal and available will get to come to our studio and have a blast playing our game.

For the others who won't be able to make it to the focus play sessions well I will be seeing you online when the game comes out.
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