Heyas, I'm looking for some ideas for this little problem.

I'm trying to install a PDI patriot front end on a new G&P M4 metal body. Now this ring you see threaded all the way down on the stock body but the threads on the G&P seem to be poorly cut. I've sanded a bit to get the paint off, but the ring only seems to make it 3/4 of the way before it snugs up solid. I would be tempted to leave it, but the Patriot front end will only assemble correctly when this piece is all the way on. SO, got any ideas on how to cut these threads properly? I've never seen a die that big, and dremeling it seems risky considering the price of this body... lend me your ideas, please...
Update: Filing and cutting is not working out for me, so I'm looking to get a die to re-cut the threads (
www.kbctools.com pages 127). By my measurement with some cheap calipers I get an outer diameter of 30mm and a thread pitch of 1.5 Can anyone else confirm? If this works I can loan out the die to anyone who purchases this style of metal body...
(P.S. Why in the hell did I ever buy an M4?)