Originally Posted by gamz
That's the same rifle I was looking at getting.
How sturdy is it? Nice feel to it? How's the barrel wobble and creak?
It's a nice solid rifle, good weight to it, delta ring spring is nice and strong. The motor seems comparable to a TM EG1000 though i've only put about 600 rounds thropugh it so far. If there is any barrel wobble it's probably because the set screws need tightening, mine were loose from shipping I expect. I haven't really found any creaking in it yet and I slung it aroudn my hosue yesterday and had it on for a few hours to and it was still good.
Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07
As for the full stock I haven't had any issues with the wiring being too long. It's awesome right now
I think I may have been a bit biased on that, I custom wire all my guns so I was just really referring to personal preference.