Originally Posted by jamilsaleem
just wana say something, i read alot in several of the threads about "petitions been tried before" thing, and that its been tried since 2000, one in 03 and another in 05, now its 07. that fact the it didnt work back then dosnt mean its not gona work and we should sit down hand on hand, the community have grown since then and is growing, maybe people with fresh ideas. guys starting petition even if its not gona work, at least its leting the community and members know and keeping them active and making them realize that we are in trouble and it might become a bigger trouble, so its good for them to keep it in the back of thier heads to be ready when it gets bigger. i mean being totaly negative and killing the spirit is just not right. the seniors who are working on it like grey i read on the other thread it might get us somewhere and like gold said they should keep us updated too. so we know where are we standing. some might say i havnt been here long enough to talk about it...i dono i just sait what i wanted to
I would imagine holding off until a unified front can be presented would be best. Your wishes and attempt is admirable, but we dont want to be pulling weakly in 9 different directions when we can sit tight for a little bit, and get everyone pulling on the same line.
By that same token, don't take this as a "sit down, shut up". Keep coming up with ideas that might help, just don't act on them just yet.