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Old January 18th, 2007, 21:22   #10
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by bruce View Post
Hey Yuxi, what size hat do you wear and how's the fit of the IBH to your head? I take a 7 1/2 and I find the helmets that I have are very tight for me.

Anyone knows if Toy Soldier and Proud are the same. They both sell very similar or identical IBH.
I wear 7 1/4 as far as I can remember, I usualy do not wear hats, so I can not give a 100% positive answer, but that is what I remember from measuring.

The helmet according to Godlyspartan looks fairly big on my head actually.

No idea how it would fit you, if you were in Toronto you could just drop by and give it a try.

From what I hear, the TS and Proud helmets were developed together or something, but no firm answer from me at least. Mine came black, I just sprayed it down with Krylon spray paint.
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