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Old January 9th, 2007, 21:47   #15
Oberst39's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Beautiful British Columbia

It would be of great pleasure to me to be able to debate the origins of the Waffen SS with you as you seem to be very knowledgable in this area as well. Myself, having one member of my family serving in the Waffen SS, one in the Artillerie, one serving for a brief time on the Bismark, as well as two Grandfathers serving in the Heer, I have done very considerable research into the origins of the SS as well as other "organizations" during this era. I have been facinated with the Wehrmacht since childhood as well as the political organizations during the Nazi era. Having said this, you and I being of the same generation as well as age, can appreciate the trials, tribulations and sacrafices of all men serving in all branches of the German military during this era. Again I would love the opportunity to debate this with you however this is perhaps not quite the right forum. I do appreciate your comments however.

As for the originality of my kit, the following items are real named originals:

Entrenching tool
Gasmask and Canister
Ammunition in pouches(deactivated ammo from Kar98 dated 1938)
Iron Cross
Wound badge
Refinished Helmet

The remainder of the kit is high quality reproductions.

I do have original medals from my Grandfather that he was awarded during the war as well however those I would not display on this uniform.

As for speaking German, yes I do, not quite as well as when I was a child as I was fluent, being brought up in a "traditional" German household. I do understand German completely and can write albeit not so well.
"A man should remember that he is not born solely for his own sake, but for his country, and for his family."

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