In reply to the medals and badges etc...on the M40 uniform is the Ribbon for Iron Cross 2nd class and Eastern (Russian) campaign ribbon worn through the 2nd button hole of the tunic. Above the left chest pocket is the Close combat bar in Silver, below that is the Iron Cross 1st Class, to the left of that is the Infantry Assault Badge in silver and to the right is the Wound Badge in black.
Iron Cross 2nd Class - official criteria for the badge was a single act of bravery in the face of the enemy or actions that were deamed definately above and beyond the call of duty
Iron Cross 1st Class - in order to recieve the 1st class, heer or SS men would have to perform 3 or 4 further acts of courage from the one that earned them the 2nd class.
Close combat bar in Silver - badge was awarded based on 30 days in close combat.
Infantry Assault Badge - awarded for combat with the following criteria being met:
- to have taken part in 3 or more infantry assaults
- to have taken part in 3 or more infantry counter-attacks
- to have taken part in 3 or more armed reconnaissance operations
- to have engaged in hand to hand combat in an assault position
- to have participated on 3 separte days in the restitution of combat positions
Wound badge in Black - for one or two times wounded by hostile action or air raid, or frost-bite in the line of duty
The Helmet is a refurbished M1935 original shell.
In response to lawdog who wrote:
"The second one is that an SS soldier or officer would almost undoubtedly never use the expression "Mein Herr". The SS were a political force representing the culmination of the national socialist revolution. The expression "mein Herr" smacks of the old army traditions and the use of this term was generally regarded as indicating the individual had not fully embraced the revolution. Very bad form."
I would have to respond:
The Waffen SS were not a political force as you may think. The Waffen-SS were the armed units of the Schutzstaffel, better known as the SS. The SS were the protective guards of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) - or the "Nazis." The military branch of the SS at this time was first known as the Bewaffnete SS, and later Waffen-SS. Many soldiers in the Waffen-SS distinguished themselves in combat, and in a small number of cases, became notorious for their atrocities.
Last edited by Oberst39; January 8th, 2007 at 22:26..