Hey Deep,
I'm somewhat of a camo whore. (I think I have 15+ full suits now.) I (and my wife) have full alpenflage suits with combat jackets, and we have used them sparingly in play. The colors on this suit are a kaiki, OD green, black, Fire engine RED, and light circles of White(-greenish/white-or-bluish/white depending on the particular suit). I have also noticed that the kaiki can really change shades as well. On some suits it is a deep brown, on others it is almost a 'flesh' color.
I have only seen this suit used once in daytime play. The area was saskachewan farmland tundra. The light tan in the suit helped to blend the colors in well and the red worked great around old red farm machinery, but I would postulate that the suit has too much over predominance of red for normal woodland play (perhaps 25-30% of the suit is Fire Engine RED), however the jacket is very bulky and breaks up ones sillouet fantastically - not to mention one does not need any extra webbing as the jacket has it all. That said i have yet to use the suit myself in a predominently green or tan environment to see if the red tends to blend at all. (too many suits to wear, not enough games to wear them in, and changing 3 times a day just to test out different camo in different locations gets old fast.)
The one thing this suit is GREAT at is for night play. The white blotches along with lighter tan and black lines really add a 3 dimentional feel to the camo during low light and night time play. Granted I have yet to use the suit under infra red, but to the naked eye I prefer the suit to Tiger Strip at night and I have used both and seen both used a number of times.
The option of dying the fabric is a great one, unless you are a purist like me and collect the different suits to have an example of what the worlds armies have at their disposal.
Hope this helped. Feel free to PM me any further questions or ask em here and I'll try to answer.