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Old August 13th, 2006, 23:42   #3
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Athabasca, AB
awesome , thanks.

Thats exactly the info I needed to pulled the trigger on my purchase!

I owe you a beer!

The reason I thought the Ni-Cad would be good is because I just bought a nice fancy TLP 4000c pulse charger that discharges and charges THREE times before giving the battery a full deep slow charge.

With this charger would the NiCAD perform better as memory problems will not really crop up.

I add you to my MSN list as soon as I get aroudn to reformatting this thing, be nice to have someone to talk to who has experience withthis AEG

PS you have to tell me where I can get those sigs, Kid!

I will ALSO be the proud owner of a CQB and a TM Glock 18C in about 48 hours!!! :cheers:
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