Thread: AR Pr0n
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Old August 11th, 2006, 05:58   #1
thePiRaTE!!'s Avatar
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Location: Calgary
AR Pr0n

Good day all, I've finally finished to my satisfaction, 2 M4 builds I'm pleased to present. Granted, I have ideas already on how to mod them...

#1 - Lewis Machine & Tool Co / Knights Armament Co. Hybrid

I've spent more time than someone with experience would have needed to photograph and edit the images, not to mention setting-up the gun, so please feel free to use this image as a desktop, but only for personal use, I don't want to piss anyone off with the logo usage. Thanks

This build features the bestgun MRP kit, hurricane KAC stock tube sling loop adaptor, 'nights' trigger guard and long phantom flash hider. Under the hood is a Systema M-120 drop-in Mechbox. She shoots nice after a bit of inner barrel cleaning, clean through the bottom of a beer can from 6 inches.

#2 - Colt Canada C-8 CQB custom

This build features a Guarder 'new style' C8 body, ARMS S.I.R. #46sc, ARMS #40 l rear sight, Samurai 10.5" barrel, Star Vltor 'clubfoot' buttstock, phantom sling plate on the buttstock tube and KA 'Tango Down' grip. Uses a Marui mechbox with Systema gears and parts with a Prometheus non-linear M90 spring. This was designed for long-life/indoor use and shoots about stock. Has a lively trigger and really nice rate of fire with the 9.6, 1700mah batt and the light spring.

Cheers, enjoy the pics.

If site admin doesn't agree with my use of the trades, I can repost 'clean' versions.

EDIT - I want and need to thank 'Manok' aka Mike for being an infinite source of help in troubleshooting these builds... thanks Mikey!
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