Originally Posted by THE CAT
Interesting picture, but camouflage is the best mix of art and science. Like SINN outlined, someone in a bunny suit can kick serious butt just by using the proper setting. And someone in Multicam, in the proper setting can still be detected if he's still wearing that cheap cologne blowing in the wind.
+Noise frequency of your camouflage
+Blending of the camouflage colors and patterns
+Human outline must be broke to reduced shape reconition
+State of awardness of the people looking for you
Look at this excellent document on Wikipedia:
and there's a lot of links to MARPAT, CAPDAT, DPM...
But, Multicam still kick ass.
I agree 100%, the use of camo is sometimes more important than the actual camo itself. I have alot of pics of Multicam from late winter, spring and now summer, and it does better than I thought it ever would. Alot of nonusers of Multicam say it is too light. I say a big WHATEVER to that. When I lay in an open field to snipe little animals at the farm it blends with the light tans around me. I wish I could photoshop a pic of me from a field into that pic I just posted. I will go get it and edit it in.
That pic was taken two days ago and he did some video while out on that trip. It is unreal how well it goes from dark to light. Multicam looks too light to me as I wear it, but it does a spectacular job of reflecting the colors around it towards observers......