Thread: Light Guns
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Old August 6th, 2006, 23:19   #39
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
Wow. I'm totally confused here. Nutty, if your 5'6" and 130lbs your not "tiny" for a woman and if you could actually carry 200lbs ... well I'd eat one of my AK mags, really I would. I would struggle to carry that much. Two hundred pounds is A LOT of weight to carry.

Be it that you're in the Ottawa region at a game that I happen to be at and we find a 200lb player I'll not shy from performing my odd feat. 200 I struggle with, 180 is easy as pie.

And as for football- I got hurt a lot and in magnificent ways but I could get down lower then most guys so... well. If you know football- this makes sense.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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