Thread: Light Guns
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Old August 6th, 2006, 21:48   #32
^Hyperion^'s Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Montreal , Quebec
That's nice but it's weird to know a girl played in the trenches. Happy to know it , though. In my high-school team , the lightest guy on the DL was about 180 lbs. Me being the biggest at about 115 kg. of pure muscle :P For the ones that never saw me in action or that like statistics , I run the 40 yards in 5 seconds , which is the average in the NFL ( and that's fast for a big guy , really fast ) , bench pressing 300 pounds ( 240 in highschool ) and legpressing about 450 kg. ( about 350 kg in high school ) but you Nutty muste have been one hell of a fast DL

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