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Old July 17th, 2006, 00:12   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Toronto
Stock MP7 fps...

First thing's first: I've read plenty of reviews. I've read plenty of posts on many forums, and I've done plenty of Googling. And the one thing that really confuses me is that everyone is giving completely different numbers (all supposedly with the same 0.2g's):

A few respectable ASC posters (MadMax for example) have said as low as 215.

The typical review out there hovers at 250.

And I distinctly recall a few posts/reviews claiming unopposed, the 280 ballpark with the 0.2's.

Obviously, someone out there is very wrong with their numbers - the difference between 215 and 280 fps is a significant couple of upgrades, not a normal deviation in manufacturing.

So I ask: has anyone here actually personally chronied one of these things at stock config? Asking seems to be just about the only way I see of getting a consistent/reliable answer.

Many thanks.
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