Originally Posted by gandar
I don't know if it's just here, or if the phenomina is spreading, but I'm seeing all kinds of people wearing camo pants... it's like they're coming back in style or something... *shrugs*... And I know they're not airsofters, guys, girls, everyone's wearin' 'em, and I know all the airsofters in town.... whee for a small population
haha, I'm not serving , but I still wear repro CADPAT (parklands) with my studded/painted leather jacket. If it's repro, then it's alright , it's just fashion (ha, I'm a fashion punk ). However, wearing pearless, AUTHENTIC, BDUs daily is stupid. VERY STUPID. people can tell what's real, and what's fashiony garbage. Real gear=more attention.
Conclusion : Real gear worn daily = Stoooooopit, Repro = whatever, it was MADE for "civvies". If people don't like it, they can write to PARKLANDS CANADA (pakistan) . *sigh*....