Originally Posted by Dracheous
And anyone that keeps their real steel mags fully loaded and ready to go. I want your name and address, because thats unsafe storage!
Originally Posted by Greylocks
For a whole lot of legal and mechanical reasons; do not ever leave a magazine loaded unless you are going to shoot it in the next little while.
If you want to say that loaded magazines shouldn't be stored for mechanical, practical or other such considerations, fine. However, don't say it's illegal in Canada because it's not.
So long as the magazine is not in the firearm, i.e. loaded into the magazine well, the firearm itself is considered to be unloaded. Normal safe storage rules, as defined by the Act, apply to all ammunition regardless of whether it is in a box, a plastic baggie or a magazine.
Don't invoke the law to spread misinformation.
If you want to get involved in a pissing match over who knows more about what, great, but leave the Act out of it.
Originally Posted by Luckyorwhat
He was taught by a former police officer, and was told in no uncertain terms that it was absolutely illegal to use a firearm in self defence.
Bleh, cops say that kind of shit for the same reason everyone else does. They like to sound like they know stuff. A lot of people will make up shit and act like they know things, even when they don't know the legislation.
Perfect example, ask the average person on the street what the "legal" length of a knife is in Canada. Most will say that it's six inches, despite the fact that no such law exists in Canada.