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Old July 12th, 2006, 00:02   #25
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AEG springs are made of steel - unless it's bent or cracked, whether its compressed or not isn't going to make a difference - however minute.

Some of the GBB springs are made out of tin, or a cheaper mixed material, so they tend to get fucked up easier. KSC Japan Glock mag springs seem to hold up to being loaded over long periods.

Keep a little gas in the mags when you store them. Protects the seals/o-rings.

Ding dong - ah Pizza's here...

A gassed-up mag full of BB in Florida heat left alone for days? No. That takes no gunsmithing course to understand, it only takes going to school long enough to follow a Physics course.
Good fucking lord what in the nine hells...Grey - have you been left alone in the Florida heat for days?
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