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Old July 10th, 2006, 20:00   #54
Snake Eyes
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: mississauga
i wear my bdus n vest n strap my soft case to my back over my backpack jus cuz its more comfortable that way then i head to the pick up point n wait for our ride. im allways passed by cops but they only ever say "morning", wave hello, ive even gotten a slute, i jus smile n wave back, but they never actually stop n get out of their car.
i dont think its a big deal how u dress wen ur too or from as long as ur not makin a ass out of urself. n wen ur asked wHY ur all geared up for jus tell them the truth if needed. im off to play a game.

B.A. Level 3 Cert.
Close to becoming a full on WEtard.
Your honour is your life, let none dispute it.
Sow the seeds of damnation, and I shall reap the souls of the tainted!
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