Originally Posted by Tarkus
Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Learning to shoot helps too. How do real steel shooters get more range from their guns? They aim higher to compensate for bullet drop. Why have I gotten kills at 150ft with my 365fps MP5 using 0.25g BBs? Because I aimed 2ft over the guys head, fired a quick burst and hit him.
I wonder what's the impact velocity at that distance though... chances are the guy won't even feel it unless he sees BBs bouncing over him.
*note to self* Mmmm, should test this when I get the chance.
Sometimes they do if they are paying attention, heavier BBs hit harder. Want fun, try heavy BBs in your GBB and see how much your range improves, and what the impact of them is. You will laugh cuz it's so cool!