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Old July 3rd, 2006, 07:21   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Location: alamed
how much distance will i get if i installed a ak-47 titebore onto my TM commando m733

hey whats up everybody! i was thinkin of puttin a longer inner barrel onto my TM m733 so i can get better accuracy and distance. i heard of ppl puttin a ak47 and adding a silencer to cover up the titebore ...but how much distance will that give me over the stock barrel??? if anybody know of any suggestions...or answers please reply .
i basically wanna install a longer titebore but dunno which one yet...(most likely the ak47 jus becus i heard of somebody else doin that on a m733) is this the right thing to do , or should i get another titebore??

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