Cleaned out the hop (Stalker, didnt see your second post in time) and I got 2 mags (38 rounds each) out before the problem started again on the third mag. Strange thing is it started from the very first round in the third mag. Waiting for them to warm up and running them again but this time using the last mag first and the other two after, see if it might be something with the mag and not the gun at all.
Now that I think about it, when it screwed up at the foxden I only tested one mag, I may have just happened to pick the one faulty mag.
But also now its locking back as if the mag was empty at random when on full auto or burst. My guess is the rapid motion is causing the slide catch to jump.
Definitly going to need to buy more BB's before Rawdon at this rate, oh well, I'm only using 0.20's anyway, get them all used up so I can switch over to 0.25's for everything.