Originally Posted by Gryphon
Originally Posted by Danger_Doom
I ordered a "VFC / GB-Tech M9 KAC Quick Detach Suppressor" from WGCShop and it also came in fine.
There's guys who have machine guns and cocaine mailed to them too. You have the spare time to spend in jail and the scratch to afford a lawyer the one time it doesn't?
Does anybody know of a story where somebody was put in jail for purchasing a piece of metal filled with foam that is an accessory for an airsoft gun? This question is for anybody.
Ive never heard of somebody going to jail trying to import an airsoft gun which I think would be worse. This is just me.
Im not trying to say im right and you're wrong, you're most likely right and know more about this than I do but I'd just like to hear the stories where importing something went wrong.
My package
was opened by customs so im pretty sure it wasint a lazy customs worker letting things throught but a customs worker letting it through because it wasint illegal. Can somebody correct me on this with facts not just opinion. I could be just stupid and I hope im not.