Thread: TM M4 Problem
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Old June 2nd, 2006, 10:20   #7
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Amherstburg Ontario
Yes I did give all that info.
It is a TM M4
No upgrades, it is stock
No I have not opened the mechbox
Yes I did read the Manual that cam with my battery.
My dad might have a multimeter to check the voltage in his electirc tool kit, I'm more of a woodworking type.
How long would a battery take to discharge? I have discharged the one after it was on the green trickle charge whih it was always on for. And after 1 hour or even 12 hour such as the charge last night, it still doesn't enough juice to spin the gears, just the motor and then it dies down. Im am pretty sure of a battery problem, or a faulty discharger I just want my gun to fire. Sorry if I sound Noobish. Ive spent about a month doing tests and experiments trying to get the damn thing to fire.
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