Originally Posted by Combine
Yeah but its my park, and if some kid can easily mistake someone shooting at him from someone shooting at a can... I dont want my friend to get killed for something stupid. And I was worried for his eyes because his gun is spring and says thats its "300fps" (doubtable).
Oh I didnt get the post about if your older than 14 playing airsoft is stupid? isn't that a little contradictory?
Swatt13 means that if your friend is more than 14, it would be very stupid from him to play in a public park with those crappy things...
And... I don't your friend is in 'Airsoft' if he's playing in a park with CT 'm4'...
Personnaly I think those 'guns' should be retired from sales...
The incident was minor... even nearly inexistent, but, it could has been worse.
Those crappy things are plain bad in anyways...
But... I still don't want to have a Soccer mom reaction...
It's those idiots' problems if they do stupidities with their 'guns'...
I just don't want them to ruin Airsoft reputation...
Remember the ones from Quebec province, when, last year, when some guys were shooting people from a car with an crosman P22 pistol?
Then they present CT's Soft Air as nearly Deadly and highly dangerous Weapons.