Originally Posted by wiseowl
Great guns, quite heavy, and damn sexy as all hell.
Whatcha get? Inquiring minds want to know + pics please.
NOTE: For those of you planning (like I was) of doing dual pistol battles with WE Dragons, "Equilibrium" style, dual pistols are tough to wield and very inaccurate. I was in the basement with both pistols blazing and the weight of full metals (2.5lbs a side) eventually wore me down, especially if you try to hold the pistols at shoulder height for any time of length. Plus it's very tricky to be accurate with two guns at the same time, I constantly found myself "crossing the beams" of bbs. I was missing 1/4 of my shots at the target completely. Ohhh, my aching muscles!
* Don't believe everything you see in the movies.