Thread: Starter gun.
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Old January 30th, 2006, 02:46   #9
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
You know, it really isn't that bad. it's the inital cost of gun and gear that hurts, but after that it's the cheapest hobby you can have. Many of the guys I play with played serious paintball and would easily drop $300+ in 1 day of play on paint. And that's on top of the $2000 gun and all the gear to go with it. You can play airsoft on less than $10 in ammo in 1 day and usually a small field fee. What other action game let's you do that? Once your past the inital start-up cost, it is effectively the best entertainment going. I would suggest you check out a local game just as a spectator and see if it's for you. Then decide all the particulars of what you want later.

And btw, we're not all jerks!!!
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