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Old January 25th, 2006, 07:20   #87
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Town of Mount Royal (Snobsville)
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About 6 years ago we used to play a version of airsoft in the of the guys had open sided eye protection on and a shot came in from the side, hit the inner surface of his glasses and ricco'd against the surface of his eye...had to get stitches on his actuall eyeball....very scarey...thought he had lost his eye and more imporantly...scarey cuz we were already one man short on our team so this was a real bad situation :lol:
D.O.W. -Haggis-

MEDIC !!! bring the preperation H !!
Give a man a fish, he can feed his family for a day.
Give a man a fishing rod, he can feed his family for a year.
Give a man a gun, he can execute his family, fish when he wants, and eat all he catches.
"guide to being a bastard" HAGGIS 1998
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