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Old January 24th, 2006, 08:23   #83
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Send a message via ICQ to yawn
Went up some wooden tower thing in FR 2 years ago, the next thing I know is my left leg going through a hole and the only thing keeping the rest of me going through the hole is my right knee, which somehow got wedged in an odd 90 degree angle. Called for help as I couldn't get out of the hole myself and didn't have any leverage.

Still hurts to this day when it rains

BTW who the fuck puts a hole in a tower...
[17:31] MMMiles: well, i think we have to hope people just stop browsing the damn gallery so much
[17:31] MMMiles: it's basically 50% of our traffic...
[17:35] yawn: someone really likes pictures of guys dressed in fatigues huh/
[17:35] MMMiles: it's better not to think about it
[17:36] yawn: we should start charging if that's the case
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