Thread: The M82A1
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Old January 13th, 2006, 02:09   #119
thePiRaTE!!'s Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Calgary
Originally Posted by CannonFodder
for the love of god NO! what the hell would you ever need that kind of power for, plus the weight and size....try climbing a tree with that heavy over-kill hunk of crap, get something a little more practical man, like a Super 9
lol. Wow, all that research I've done and NOW you tell me its a hunk of crap. Your argument is compelling.

It seems however - on a completely unrelated note - that for those who might wish to get straight to the field on a tight budget with a weapon they can climb trees with, the price and listed specs seem pretty sweet on that Super 9. I however fall into none of these catagories, but thanks for coming out with that.

Originally Posted by Rumpel Felt
Holy hell, it looks godly, like you could destroy anything at any time. Know I know god does exist, it's whoever holds that rifle, so I guess there are many gods.

Oh and is it a blow back? As in, does it cycle every shot like the real thing? Does it have to be racked to load the first BB?
I think I know what Mcguyver meant about the reactions this would elicit when producing one one from your car in the staging area now. Its all becoming clear.

Hey Rump, unfortunately its non-blowback. It is however, semi-auto with a 40 round mag. There are various reports of the accuracy and range of this gun in its mid-term format, so it remains to be seen (by me) if it will live up to its looks in practical use. Actually, that why I'm in this thread myself! Hopefully we'll hear back from the pros.
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