Originally Posted by JohnnyDo
it seems my adapter doesn't thread all that much into the propane tank. I've had no issues with the adapter other then it's sometimes hard to get a good seal between the adapter and the mag.
the whole thing about threading the adapter to a propane tank .. it seems (without actually mesuring it) that hte adapter only threads on maybe 1/8" - 1/4" ... not near as much as say a propane heater or light would screw on. I'm just a bit nervious about stripping out threads and such or wear and tear issues.
overall I'd have to say other then above .. the adapter is very well made and works great.
Thanks for reminding about that one. The short threading is a holdover from the V1 design and is somewhat important in the current build.
The reason that I only allow a short amount of threading was originally intended to prevent a V1 adaptor probe deep enough to drop into the bottle fitting and hook under the inside edge of the bottle fitting. It's not possible with a fully threaded on adaptor, but if more turns were allowed, enough space would be provided to push the probe fully in and lock under the inside of the bottle fitting. By only providing one or two threads, I can prevent the bottle fitting from holding to the bottle and locking the probe in.
The issue isn't as present in later versions with the locked in spring (it reduces the available space for the situation). However, if someone were to use an adaptor without a spring, the condition could occur if more threads were available.
I may change the design more significantly to allow more threads. More turns means more material and more machine time though. I'll have to see how it costs out.
As to the probe falling out of the bottle fitting, that's why I'm changing the staking tool. A more aggressive staking would push more metal in at the 4 "bite" marks and retain the probe more securely.