Request for feedback from V4 propane adaptor users
I'm gearing up for another manufacturing run of V4 adaptors soon. I was wondering if there were any prevailing complaints that I might be able address in the coming run of new product.
So far I've been asked to use a more secure cap (threaded or otherwise locking). Unfortunately I don't think this is possible as I can't afford a custom injection moulding run of better caps. I'm limited to off the shelf caps until I'm selling in ludicrous quantity. I looked into using clear film canisters with the snap on groove, but I couldn't find a good source for them. They're too long too.
Are there any common issues which I might address with a small adjustment in design? What issues about my product just annoy the crap out of you and you wish I had my act together?
Changes that are already planned:
-more aggressive crimp/staking which retains the probe
-small increase in tank probe diameter to address an occasional leakage issue
Changes that are being pursued but may not prove to be feasible:
-slightly longer probe for to facilitate WA Combat mags (I'm not sure if I can do the deep small throughbore on a production level)
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