Thread: Striped Gears
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Old November 29th, 2005, 10:58   #10
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Blackthorne
I have been warned by my Gun Doctor to avoid the oilless bushings.

He says they are unreliable from the perspective of delivering proper lubrication to the system. Especially at the two extremes of performance, when the gun is cold and just starting to fire and when you are full auto and really working it.
Does your gun docter realize that almost all metal bushings are of the "oilless" variety and made from sintered alloys? The only ones that I can think of that aren't made this way are Guarder and Gun Design bushings - both of which I've seen oxidize due to their high iron content and lack of impregnated oil.

There's a reason why bushings are made from a sintering process in many industries and impregnated with oil - it's the best way to handle a high stress load with an expected high life cycle.

Regardless, you never install any bushings or bearings dry. Add some lube. Just because they're called "oilless" doesn't mean you don't use any lube with them. You're suppose to add grease to them, making their performance at least the same as non-sintered bushings, if not better.
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