I have the G&P MP5 midcaps as well and they are incredible as far as the finish goes, almost looks like real gun steel (as in the finish). And they feed perfectly. I see above some guys have problems with the last 5 BBs not feeding out of it, mine both have one single BB remaining in the mag (because they have a different follower than the TM ones, TM has the nipple that pushes the last BB out, the G&P ones don't. Not a big deal though, all my mags I load 8-10 red 0.12g BBs into first, then the regular 0.25g BBs. When I get close to the end, I see red "tracers", I reload. Saves wear on my mechbox (less dry firing) and let's me know if one of my midcaps is empty or full. Sucks to pull a midcap out, see a white BB, load it and find it's empty. Simple and it works amazing, I've used this method for about 6 months now.