Figured I'd res this thread to add another post about Hero Outdoors. Just be aware they drop ship a LOT of their products.Ordered a product last year that took forever for it to ship, the only explanation was that it was in their "Over stock warehouse". When it finally arrived I realized it was drop shipped from overseas. Somehow I forgot this and placed another order with them this year. Well over the "10 business days". Once again got the "it's in our overstock warehouse" canned response. Replied to their email asking for a refund, they read it and ignored it. Started up a resolution through Paypal and once again asked for a refund. They ignored that request and gave the same canned response of it taking "10 business days" (it's been over that 10 business days) because it was in their "overstock warehouse". I asked for a refund a third time (even though they charge a 20% restocking fee on cancelled orders) and they ignore that one so I escalated it to Paypal for them to help resolve this.