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Old September 27th, 2019, 12:00   #2
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
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Are you sure that's a smart idea? You'd have to leave it covered 90% of the time, or you'd end up dealing with being pulled over (I would think). The people i know that have mock MG's (mostly M2 50. cal, 30 cal, etc.) have them covered when driving their jeeps to shows. This just seems like it would be more of a headache than it would be worth.
1 First special service force SGT
C.A.T.S airsoft
M16- ICS
M4- walmart special
Ak-47- stunt studio
HK416 - G&G
1911tac - KJ Works - Green gas
CZ75 - KJ Works - CO2
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