Originally Posted by john3302
Thanks. I read the KWA gas model was crap but the Co2 model was good. I also read the earlier full auto version would break a lot.
The Cybergun WE model has more metal, and is a lot heavier than the KWA. It may feel better but more weight and big blow back means less accuracy. It also cost $100 more. The Tokyo Mauri model is green gas and like the KWA model, only has a metal slide. The TM model also recommends using a hard to find type of special green gas. The TM model cost about $120 more than the KWA model and seems to be out of stock most of the time.
I am leaning towards the KWA model because green gas does not work well in the cold and Co2 has a bigger blow back.
I agree the Desert Eagle may not be the most practical but with a powerful blow back, it sounds like the most fun. How long have you owned yours?
I was wondering about durability?
I've only had mine about half a year, but other than cosmetic wear, there's no structural or functional damage. It hasn't shattered into pieces when I dropped it accidentally. At least once.
Today, it fell out of my holster (I hadn't pushed it far enough securely) and the plastic rear sight popped out. To slide it back into place properly, I would've had to disassembled the slide and removed the safety, but I managed to just snap the plastic rear sight back into place. That's the only issue I've had so far -- no cracks, no double-feeding, no misfires, no leaks.
Here's an ASC post that compares both the TM and KWC models, and comments on the KWC after 1.5 years of use (keep in mind the post is from 2012 so maybe the dude's comments don't reflect the modern model but still):
I am by no means trying to sell you on the KWC model specifically! Do your research, stay within your budget, and most importantly, get yourself the Desert Eagle that's best for you and have a hell of a lot of fun with it!