I also have the tr16 556 and bought a G2 gearbox for my gng SRL to replace the aging one(piston was locking up threw parts at it did not resolve). I have massive disappointment with GNG and this would probably be my last purchase as a new rifle from them.
Gng G2 standalone gearbox:
-Piston head had no ports, cylinder was ported, stock fps on m120 was 310fps with .2 gng bss
-Replaced piston head with stock srl ported one, fps jumped to 365fps
-the GB also did not come with the mosfet as advertised the went for ± U$D75 in my area, thus I sourced a gate titan from uk via a friend.
-replacing the ported cylinder with full only made a few fps differences less than 10, this is where I looked closer to find the sector only has 13 teeth.
-some fyi with the gate I removed so much parts it was probably not worth the money to buy the g2 in the first place, but I do like how it runs now.
TR 16 556
-Stock fps was 362 on .2 gng bbs
-replaced cylinder with full(this gb did have the same gng ported piston head as the SRL) and it jumped to around 382fps on .2 gng bbs
-Replaced the insane long stock barrel with an CA scar 384mm 6.03 brass and the fps jumped to 407(stock tr 16 barrel is 463mm also 6.03mm)
-the hop was change to a Maxx tracer hop, some mods to the rifle to allow it to feed, it kept on jamming with the bucking lips folding over itself (I did not want to change the nozzle to a shorter one)
-Bucking is a maple leave yellow 60 deg
-been running like this for around 10 months and only this weekend broke the piston head(replaced with a modify polycarb one.
The Tr16 was advertised as a quick change, which it has, but you have to take the gearbox out of the body to do the spring change, gng had all the opportunity to design their rifles like ares where you just pop the stock/buffer off the change the spring.
Things I want to try is to put my srl sector in both rifles and see how much RPS I loose and how much FPS I gain, the TR I might need to drop to a m110 to be field legal here and the SRL might just go up to the limit.
Let me know if you guys want pics of the inside/sector ect