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Old September 6th, 2018, 09:53   #5
Join Date: Dec 2013
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
But would this work with all AEG's or only ones with buffer tubes or a full stock? Care to show how it's done?
Of course not for all AEGs, sir.

Really depends on what models you want to work on:

1. M4 is usually set to have the recoil weight in the buffer tube, depends on the inner diameter of the buffer tube, you can DIY a recoil weight or mod a RS buffer in it. The dimensions of BOLT, LONEX MMC, TM Next Gen, TM Reg aeg, and even the MODIFY TREMORS kit are all different, I literally have them all.

Some of the recoil weights can be used across systems. Believe it or not, try a Modify tremor recoil weight and recoil spring in a TM next gen m4, you will be more satisfied by the enhanced recoil - the rod may need to be cut a bit shorter though.

To handle a RS spring, you may have to cut some coils off, might as well just use GBB ones which are a lot softer. You have to measure the proper length to be compressed for the stroke length of the recoil unit. A set of torque gears and motor may step in to hlep.

The GBLS is a mixture of AEG, GBB, and air-cocking sniper systems, so no mods needed for a RS buffer spring. The buffer, however, may need slight fitting and filing. The internals of GBLS are insanely high-torque, making things a lot easier for not-so-tech-savvy DIYers, you will definitely void the warranty though.

2. The recoil unit for AK, G36, SCAR, UMP are usually set to be top-loaded (on top of the gearbox), depends on how you want to arrange the space to accommodate the battery and the recoil unit, the solutions are all different.

A vivid example for a top-loaded model is here:

To maximize the recoil, I chose to use PEQ as external battery solution. I'm considering rear-wearing it and putting the battery in an m4 stock for a sleek look.

I do understand most people just want to enjoy the game, not the gun itself. I'm more into pushing my guns to the limit. I have tried high ROF (short-stroke and DSG all that) and high FPS settings, and I got sick and tired of them.

Now I'm moving on making my own recoil AEGs.

In case some may ask, yeah, I do own tons of GBBs, and most of them are HPA tapped because green gas/CO2 was not enough. If I'm such a recoil lover, why not go to the range and shoot a real steel? Well, with airsoft guns, I can safely dry fire while enjoying the felt recoil at home for cheap, with only my underwear on. I do have most of the laser target systems on the market for so-called dryfire training (laserlyte, laser to play!). Even RS guns are having some conversion kits now using CO2 for home defense dry-fire training - for us airsofters, would be stupid to have our RS guns converted to CO2-powered, don't you think?

For some GBB shooting:

Last edited by porch20000; September 6th, 2018 at 10:04..
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