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Old August 2nd, 2018, 00:07   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
im new to airsoft, and i have a few questions about my evo 3 s1 i just bought

so like the title says, i just got into airsoft (actually only played one day) but i fell for it hard, ive looked at it many times before but didnt have an in until recently.

so after loaning a couple of guns, i decided i needed to buy one for my next game, and after a ton of research and testing with the rifles i used, i went with something a little shorter, the asg cz scorpion evo 3 a-1.

i must have looked at 30 videos on the gun and quite a few strip downs of it and even the mag for it just to learn as much as possible before i get my hands on it, but i have a few questions that i couldnt quite find online, so hopefully someone here can help with that.

first thing, the mag
75 round cap seems ok to me, but i dont like spray and praying, in games or on the field ( i know... i only have one day under my belt... what do i know...)
so i think having 2 of these would be fine for the shorter games, but in case thats not enough i dont really want to be carrying a bunch of mags if i go to a larger field with longer games.
so what im tryign to get to here is, are there larger capacity mags for the evo 3, are they well made, do they have the stop firing function like the 75 ones, and is there a drum mag (ive seen some online but they were custom 3d printed ones)

ok second thing, what kind of bb's should i be using, most review videos test with .20, but ive seen some sites saying that the .28 were better suited for the evo 3 (or guns with motors as powerful as the evo 3)
the .20 seem to do the job for acc and range, but reading forums say that using heavier bb's will reduce drag/wind, so having some feed back on that would be nice.

and lastly, give me all and i mean all of your tips, tricks, pros, cons, whatever about the evo 3, because i love knowing everything i can about my new toy so i can keep it in tip top form and not seem like such a noob on the field :P

hope to hear from you guys, btw my names chris
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