Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
"No duff" has been standard call for a medical emergency across the prairies for at least 12 years now.
"Cease fire" is used to cease fire for any reason other than a medical emergency.
Being able to specify between medical emergencies and normal game stoppages tends to help response rate to medical emergencies.
It's only common knowledge so long as it's commonly taught.
I make sure it's part of the briefing at every game I go to. But you know how some children (airsofters) are. Either not paying attention or can't understand basic english.
Some of us (infrequently) still get shot at during a no duff. And it's always under such dumb conditions as being shot as a dead player:
"That guy is moving around with his gun down in a very non threatening manner! shoot him!"
Probably whistle blasts for a bigger field where a voice yelling no duff may not carry.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.