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Old March 27th, 2018, 14:51   #2
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Oromocto
hey man, welcome to the sport and to the community.
so to answer your questions, if you plan on getting all the aforementioned upgrades done at the same time, I would recommend blackblitz airsoft and getting it done as a package deal. as for the barrel, I try to use nothing but promy barrels. as for the rhop, it does give better consistency and tighter groupings when paired with the right bucking. I use the modify grey bucking with the included nub on my r-hops. the bucking itself shouldn't matter too much as it is just there for the airseal mainly, as the patch that gets glued to the barrel is what actually is in contact with the bbs. shimming the gearbox is also a good touch if you want to get as much life out of the gears and piston as you can not to mention it helps with quieting the cycling of the gearbox down a fair bit as well. as for a mosfet, I would recommend going with a BTC spectre fet. if you are trying to achieve 350 fps, then yes a spring change is one of the easiest options in terms of lowering your fps. if you can achieve a good overall performance with that setup, then honestly, I would leave it at 350 and not bother trying to get the extra 30 fps for outdoor play (my ak shoots sub 300 on a .2 and still pushes .32's out to 200 feet consistently). if you are looking to change the auto feature to a 3 round burst set up, then I would go with the BOL burst mosfet (available from evike) instead of the BTC spectre fet. as for your understanding of the inner workings of your gun, you seem to have a good grasp of it overall and I am impressed to see that you took the initiative to find all this out on your own, as most people I come across say, I want the gun to do this this this and this and don't do any research into it at all, and don't want to spent the money on the quality parts either.

hope the above info helps, and once again, good job on the research you have done so far. keep it up.
current armament:
mk43, ump.45, p90, barret, m14, g33, k98, m4 tac, m4 swat, mp5 navy, vsr10, p226, m9.
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