I've just finished cleaning out the classified sections. All ads not bumped/banana'd/sold/remove since Oct. 1/17 have been removed. If you can't bump your ad at least once in three months, you've either sold it or don't want to.
As a reminder, please edit one post in your ad to include the word "banana", spelled just like that without the quotes. Don't bump with banana, edit prices out, delete info (including title info),etc. If you want your ad removed because you changed your mind or put it in the wrong place, use the report post feature and we can get it sorted out a lot faster. There were a few ads that just had the word "remove" in the title and I don't search for that word. One ad had been that way since August and if the OP had reported it to be removed, it would have been done months ago.
ASC Age Verifier for Red Deer & Area Alberta