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Old September 30th, 2017, 15:24   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Send a message via ICQ to Chubby experience

Hey all.

Just back from picking up my gun and I thought I would share my experience.

So I've finally been able to get back into Airsoft and this past Thursday I ordered a VFC VR635 through their website. I paid via EMT and was pretty glad they had it as an option because I don't really use paypal and nor do I have a credit card.

On Friday I called to confirm that they received my EMT and everything went through smoothly and they said it's already set up for me to pick up my gun. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out they were both an online store as well as a physical one because it's always been frustrating to find an online store that sells whatever it is you're looking for, located in/near the city you live in, only to find out they're just a distribution center that doesn't give you the option to just show up and pick up your product in person ie; Hey you know that thing you want? Guess what, you'll have to wait a few days for it because the only option they give you is the post office.

Anyway, I wasn't able to get down there on the Friday, but today I went to their store at Midland and the 401 in Scarborough. It was a descent sized unit with pretty much what you'd expect in an Airsoft store. Lots of guns, accessories and combat gear.

I met one of the staff (Vincent) who was pretty eager to help me out. I picked up my order through him and outside of that, he was pretty cool, laid back and knowledgeable about pretty much everything he showed me and that I asked about. Before receiving my gun, he asked if I wanted to take a look at it and test it out in the firing range, so I did (and also, holy F*CK the gun has some serious kick to it, and it's loud. So: A++ to VFC) On top of that, he was able to do it all without in any way being pushy.

Side note: While I was in the middle of looking through the box with my gun, a guy comes in off the street with his M4 in his hands. Like anyone, it kinda freaked the staff out a bit and when I turned to see what was going on, the guy looked a bit confused. But a staff member who approached him was pretty professional about it and just politely reminded him to bring his guns in to the store in a bag in the future. Also: if you're reading this, yeah, don't be "that guy".

I was pretty much in and out in about half an hour. I didn't have to wait in line or deal with pushy sales persons and was treated pretty well by Vincent and the staff. Would I go there again? Absolutely and I can't really think of anything negative to say about them. So I would say it was a good first impression, I left the store as a satisfied customer and now look forward to my next paycheque

Last edited by Chubby; September 30th, 2017 at 15:43..
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