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Old June 30th, 2017, 15:43   #7
Katipunero's Avatar
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Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Feels View Post
Tried firing my new pistol today, didnt go so well. First GBB as well so I have no clue what im doing. Used AI oil pump to oil a new propane tank, filled mag with gas and some bbs and went for a shot and bam, a cloud of gas and like 4 bbs came out the barrel. I didnt realize I had bought a handheld shotgun. Tried firing, nothing, there was no gas in the mag, tried another mag, same thing. Somethings wrong with the gun and I have no idea how to fix it. Thanks
You tend to not want to overfill mags when filling with propane. Usually 4-6 seconds is sufficient, and I tend to not fill until hissing stops.

If you see gas come out every shot, then you've overfilled. There's no more space in the mag for the gas to expand, so then excess gets spewed out when you fire. Ideally, you want to not see any or much gas escape, and this will be the best balance for propane to expand and give the best fps/shooting experience.

As for shooting out 4 bb's, I don't think that's possible unless you were misfiring 3 out of 4 times jamming bb's in the barrel and then the 4th blew them all out. Does your m&p come with the blue WE 6.03 tightbore barrel?
Could be 2 things at this point:

1) barrel is dirty/blocked and caused 3 bbs to jam
2) your bbs are of low quality that some of them are larger or closer to the 6.03 barrel size to get hung up in your barrel somehow.

If you're running propane, it's best to run it dry and only lubricate the seals of the mag, pistol nozzle and sliding/moving parts. Oil in your barrel / hop up can and will attract dirt and cause jamming issues like your 4 bb shot you described.
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